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Activated carbon can be regenerated several times while retaining the same adsorption capacity. Regeneration offers substantial cost savings and restores the carbon to 97% or greater of its original adsorption capacity. In addition to adsorptive capacity, the recycling of spent granular or extruded carbon eliminates the need for incineration or landfill disposal.
As part of our regeneration services suite, we transport spent activated carbon filters from our customers’ plants to our regeneration facility. The spent carbon is transported hydraulically to our tanks in a closed loop system to prevent any contamination of the surrounding area by the pollutants adsorbed onto the carbon. We then thermally regenerate the carbon to its original performance levels. We also service the filter components and eliminate all contaminants within the filter at our site before refilling it with the regenerated carbon as well as some virgin carbon for return to the customer’s plant.
Haycarb guarantees that the regenerated carbon meets the performance levels of the original carbon supplied.
Haycarb also provides technical advice, systems design, engineering support and installation of regeneration systems onsite.
Classic regeneration of spent activated carbon is performed off-site in a furnace, rotary kiln or multiple hearth furnaces. The thermal regeneration process is similar to that used to manufacture the original activated carbon and is especially used where large tonnages of granular activated carbon are involved. Thermal regeneration can regenerate spent gas phase granular activated carbons where the adsorbed impurities have a high boiling point or are very strongly adsorbed, and for spent liquid phase activated carbons used in water treatment.
Some activated carbon particles will break during handling and the regeneration process burns off some of the activated carbon to produce slightly smaller particles on average. This loss will be made up with fresh input of virgin material.
The number of times GACs can be regenerated and the periods between regeneration vary significantly depending on the type of carbon and on its application. In solvent recovery, GAC can be used for up to 5,000 cycles.