In today’s business world, there is much discussion of the Purpose Driven Organization and the importance of achieving it for sustainable business growth. Through my experience in leading Haycarb as a pioneering leader in our industry of coconut shell based activated carbon, I have pondered on the above theme in my attempt to make Haycarb a Purpose Driven Company. Is the leadership to drive the Corporate Purpose and consequently, the Corporate Purpose to drive the leadership.
My experience is that it works in both directions. In the initial phase the leadership must drive the purpose, and after reaching a stage of maturation, it can be a driving force of leadership.
When Haycarb initiated defining its Purpose Statement, about a year ago, the company culture was mature and well nurtured to set the tone to drive a purpose that is close to our heart. When we defined our Purpose Statement “Driving Value; Changing Lives”, we at the same time outlined the culture to be fostered to drive this purpose. Therefore, alongside the Purpose Statement Haycarb defined its 3Es, “Envision”, “Empower” and “Enrich”, as these represent the conducive company culture that upholds and nurtures our Corporate Purpose.
As to the question whether Haycarb leadership is driving our corporate purpose or vice versa, let me elaborate my experience further. At the onset, when Haycarb introduced its Corporate Purpose, there was a significant drive from the Haycarb leadership team to educate, communicate and inculcate the corporate purpose in the hearts and minds of the Haycarb team. I passionately believe in the most effective leadership quality of ‘walking the talk’ as a key contributor of driving the company Purpose Statement. In that sense it is essential that early on, the leadership consistently communicates the Company Purpose and promote, drive, nurture and protect the required organizational culture to achieve the purpose. Leaders who empower the culture combined with authentic and honest communication will connect people’s heads, hearts, and hands. In that sense Purpose is not an add-on but an ongoing culture change and transition.
Moreover, it is imperative to integrate the Corporate Purpose into the Corporate Strategy where the successful execution of the business strategy results in achieving the Corporate Purpose.
Let’s deep dive into Haycarb’s purpose statement – To Drive Value: drive value to whom and how? Drive value to all stakeholders including employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, business partners and community. How do you do that? By fostering a culture that Envisions future needs and aspirations its customers and applications and living by Haycarb’s brand values of customer centricity, innovation, technical excellence, and sustainability (ESG). The Haycarb team is Empowered with skills, resources, organizational environment, well defined responsibilities, and reward & recognition to execute the company strategy with accountability and passion; the outcome of this process Enriches our stakeholders with incremental Value. This cycle is expected to continue, accelerate, and add more value over time; As our key applications are water and air purification, gold extraction and energy storage primarily of renewable energy sources and electric mobility, this added value will make a positive Change in the Lives around the globe.

I have then observed the second most interesting phenomenon taking place. Once the organizational culture begins to mature in achieving the organizational purpose, the ‘power of this organizational purpose’ now instilled with Haycarb teams begins to drive the leadership to push its boundaries. In this situation, the original driver is becoming the ‘driven’ now for greater good!
When the organization culture is nurtured to achieve the Company Purpose, the Company Purpose in turn influences leadership behavior. The newcomers to the company leadership positions will be guided by the Purpose and its surrounding culture to act in accordance to further it. Outliers get highlighted and such behaviors will be rejected until the correction is demonstrated. The Purpose now drives and compliments the leadership direction as a powerful force to accelerate company’s path of progress; in Haycarb’s case it will be driving more value and changing the lives for better at a faster space.
Haycarb today is at an interesting juncture. I see the effects of our organization culture (3Es) maturing and our ability to drive value is accelerating alongside. I see both strong signs of leadership driving the company Purpose, and of an era in the making of our Corporate Purpose influencing and driving the leadership path, to become a true Purpose Driven Company.