Haycarb Wins Gold Award in the National Level Manufacturing Sector – Extra Large Category at the CNCI Achievers Awards 2023Awards & Recognition, Company, Newsroom, ProductsBy sithiraOct 19, 2023It is with pride we announce, that Haycarb PLC was awarded the highly coveted Gold Award in the National Level...
Puritas SAP PARAGON GO – LIVE 2023Company, NewsroomBy sithiraOct 18, 2023Our subsidiary Puritas Sri Lanka was thrilled to announce their implementation of the highly-anticipated SAP ERP Go-Live, unlocking a world...
Haycarb Donations Chemo Drug to Apeksha Cancer Hospital 2023Company, Health Sector Donations, Newsroom, Sustainability, UpliftBy sithiraOct 11, 2023As part of our ongoing ESG initiatives to support the Sri Lankan healthcare industry and on account of Haycarb’s 50th...
Eurocarb at Pollutec 2023Company, Excite, International, Newsroom, ProductsBy sithiraOct 10, 2023We’re excited to join Pollutec 2023 in Lyon, France, from October 10th to 13th. Come meet the Eurocarb team and...
Haycarb Annual Report Wins Multiple Awards at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2023Awards & Recognition, Company, NewsroomBy sithiraOct 10, 2023Haycarb is proud to announce that our 50th-year annual report, titled ‘Our best, to the world,’ has been awarded the...